We advise you check with your own council or local authority for local laws and by-laws regarding cat ownership.
The Cat Act 2011
The Cat Act 2011 (the Act) requires the identification, registration and sterilisation of domestic cats, and gives local governments the power to administer and enforce the legislation.
All cats that have reached six months of age are required to be:
- microchipped
- sterilised
- registered with the relevant local government.
Your cat will be required to wear a collar and registration tag to ensure they can be easily identified and returned to you if they become lost.
Limits on cat numbers
You will need to contact your local government to find out if they have introduced a local law to limit the numbers of cats that can be owned.
City of Wanneroo recommends that responsible cat owners;
- Keep their cat indoors between dusk and dawn This is to protect native flora and fauna; reduce the likelihood of cats being involved in road accidents; and to limit fighting with other roaming or feral cats.
- Contain cats to their property/install an outdoor cat enclosure.
City of Bayswater recommends responsible cat ownership;
- Contain your cat to your property, and keep cats indoors at night (studies show cats kept indoors at night enjoy longer and healthier lives)
- To help protect native wildlife, please ensure your cat is not straying from your property, particularly at night.
City of Bassendean says:
- Cats that are allowed to roam freely have been known to wander several kilometres from their home, often on a daily basis. Whilst out roaming they are at risk of injury and disease, and have the potential to impact our neighbours and wildlife.
- Keeping your cat indoors or in a built for purpose cat run will also protect it from fights and the subsequent infection and disease, and also eliminates the risk of your cat being injured or going missing.
City of Canning says:
- Keeping cats as indoor pets, or contained in outdoor enclosures prevents common injuries sustained by cat fighting and road accidents.
- You will also be contributing to the neighbourhood by reducing the antisocial effects of cat fights and spraying.