Petlab Stain & Odour Remover 1 ltr
1 Litre
- PetLab is a proprietary plant-based enzyme cleaner that permanently removes stains and odours (new and old) caused by urine, faeces, vomit or other organic pet messes around the home.
- 50% more concentrated than similar products.
- New first-of-its-kind wetting agent technology provides up to 10X more surface coverage, deeper penetration and prolonged evaporation than the competition.
- Urine stain & odour fighting technology.
- Certified organic ingredients.
- 100% chemical FREE.Safe to use on all hard and soft surfaces.
- Environmentally friendly, Safe for people and pets.
- Ready to use formula.
USE ON: Carpets, floors, upholstery, artificial turf, pet beds, litter boxes, tiles, timber, laminates, concrete, clothing, car interior and other water-safe surfaces where pet stains and odours occur.